Monica Denomy, Luca Wesel and Dr. Beate Grotehans (from left to right) from the WaterFoundation had a full schedule for two days in Hanover. Over 1,500 participants from the foundation sector met there on May 14 and 15. Under the motto “How foundations shape transformation”, there were numerous informative presentations and discussion panels for the Weiterlesen

International Arbor Day / 40,000 trees planted in Dirre Inchini

Around 9,000 people in Dirre Inchini are dependent on unclean water sources. 30% of these springs run out of water during the dry season. This is because the groundwater level drops. One reason: tree cover has been reduced from 100 to 25%, partly due to overgrazing in the hilly regions. The WaterFoundation has therefore set Weiterlesen

CloudFisher in MK&G Exhibition in Hamburg

Water – whether too much or too little, clean or unsafe – is one of the most pressing human preoccupations. Already, 40% of the world’s population is affected by water scarcity and, with human-induced climate change, this is getting much worse. “Water Pressure: Designing for the Future” – an exhibition of the Museum für Kunst Weiterlesen

Sowing and harvesting water in Peru

Our Repanas project in Peru started in March 2022. Board member Monica Denomy recently visited the large renaturation and water protection project at 4,300 m above sea level and noted: “The establishment of the protected areas is having a visible effect. The vegetation is recovering. And the planting of a good 16,000 trees now helps Weiterlesen

ETHIOPIA – Becoming stronger together

The “Becoming Stronger Together” project, which was launched in fall 2023, is picking up speed. The aim is to establish and support self-help groups for women who are working towards sustainable income generation: through small animal husbandry, fruit and vegetable cultivation and the production of energy-saving cooking stoves for sale. The prerequisite for this is Weiterlesen

Wolfgang Schaal leaves the Board of Trustees

Wolfgang Schaal has been a member of the Board of Trustees since the WaterFoundation was established in 2000 by Ernst Frost and Henner Lang. As Managing Director of the Geretsried-based tax consultancy schaal & kollegen, he supported the WaterFoundation for more than 20 years in legal and commercial matters and was responsible for the bookkeeping Weiterlesen

PERU – Good news: 13 CloudFishers built!

Monica and Luca from the WaterFoundation lent a hand when our CloudFishers were built near Lima. In the dusty desert of Santa Rosa, fog water is a ray of hope for the people in the poor districts, who previously had to buy expensive drinking water delivered by tanker. Their lives will improve significantly. The supply Weiterlesen

ETHIOPIA: Donkey distributions in fall 2023

Thanks to many small donations and donation runs such as those in Schorndorf, Schwäbisch Hall and the primary and secondary school in Waldram, the annual donkey distributions were able to take place as usual. A total of 54 donkeys, equipped with a protective blanket, carrying harness and water canisters, were distributed by Pastor Demeke to Weiterlesen

TANSANIA: Water pumps for 10,000 men and women are working again

Water pumps for 10,000 men and women are working again – training and sustainable maintenance models keep it that way In the summer of 2023, the project Pumps for Life (P4L) dealt with the repair of defective water pumps. Our project partner MSABI developed a sophisticated system to ensure that the pumps remain in good Weiterlesen


The sanitation project in Bilaa, Ethiopia, launched in 2021, is on the home stretch and will be successfully completed by the end of 2023. After interim difficulties due to the tense security situation in the project area, implementation has progressed in seven-league boots in recent months. The four toilet blocks being built at two schools Weiterlesen

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