The WaterFoundation is independent, non-denominational, non-profit, politically unaffiliated, and unbureaucratic. The Foundation is staffed almost entirely by volunteers who are experts in their respective technical fields and work with carefully chosen partners in various regions across the world.
The foundation’s work is based on its commitment to enforcing the human right to water and sanitation. We are also committed to biodiversity protection and food security.
The Foundation is guided by the objectives of securing the future and protecting resources by promoting sustainable ecological, economic and social development. In all its activities, the strengthening of independence and self-reliance is of paramount importance.
The Foundation is committed to the principles of transparency, and openness, tolerance and equality for all people – irrespective of nationality, ethnicity, gender, or religious beliefs.
Our aims and tasks
Advance the human right to clean, affordable drinking water
Provide hygienic sanitation facilities
Raise awareness of water management issues and methods
Implement a long-term integrated approach to water management
Foster self-determined development at the local level
Provide particular support to women and young people
The Water Foundation is committed to the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals formulated by the United Nations, in particular to number 6 and 15 as well as 3, 5 and 13: